Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Perception of my Perspective

Perception and Perspective:  two words that have frequently appeared in my Marketing classes, as we ask questions like: How does your company perceive other cultures? How did the customer’s expectations differ for their perception of the service received? And when brainstorming for a creative brief or to reach for a new target market: It is important to change your perspective, to understand what the prospective consumer desires. These are just fancy ways of saying that it is sometimes beneficial to change your viewpoint, in order to understand why others see things the way that they do.

I have found this to be an interesting concept to wrap my mind around, given that a common topic of self-reflection has lately been my frustration with, not only how others perceive me, but how I perceive myself. To say that these two words are in the race for becoming my word would be slightly inaccurate, but I will say that they are my warm-up stretches before I brave the starting line.

Graduation is creeping closer as each day passes, and my perception of “myself versus the brave new world” is nauseating and thrilling, as if I am in a plane that has reached the appropriate altitude, and it is time to either jump or decide we weren’t born with wings, therefore we’re not meant to fly. But I want to fly, and what makes my stomach churn even more, is that no one thinks I’ve packed a parachute (and a spare, at that). 

Being the youngest of my family has me labeled with the permanent descriptor of “naïve”. They think my perception on life is idealistic because I dare to dream and I want to challenge myself. Despite being wise beyond my years, taking note of every obstacle, each of which I have overcome, and being the incessant planner that I am (so that I may continue to make smart decisions),  I am still perceived as this starry-eyed dreamer who is constantly in need of a reality check. But the only thing that I’m an in need of is some trust and faith.

My concern now stems from how I perceive myself, and I no longer want to care about how others see me. It is, in fact, my life… an obvious concept to be sure, but one that I have yet to grasp.

I am almost 24, and feel that I have yet to live. I’ve always dreamed big, but have never taken the risks, because in every decision I make, I weigh the pros and cons and always end up making the smarter, safer choice. Before that though, my family feels it necessary to prescribe me another healthy dose of Reality.  Goals have ceased to be about what I want in life, and have turned into what is safe. So how do I stop encouraging these perceptions?

Well, my first step is to change my own perspective. I am aware that my aspirations are risky, and will take serious effort, planning and courage on my part but that doesn’t change how I feel. I am going to move to New York. Yes, I will be smart about it and will research and plan (like I have always done), but this will be my reality. I want to achieve my vast ambitions, and I know that along the way the road will be rocky, and I may fail. But I am tired of being fearful of failure. I want to be able to perceive myself as brave, courageous and strong, and I’m not going to be able to do that until I can gain a new perspective.

At the risk of sounding selfish and with the weight of guilt on my shoulders, I must start making choices for me. It is not about defiance or spite, it’s about making changes. I need to actually see the world, in order to view differently. And perhaps, along the way, my changed perspective will transform how I see myself, and maybe how others see me too. I've got a long bucket list, and it’s time to get started on it.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

With much appreciation

I received a phone call from my mother today. She saved a life. In fact, that precious baby girl is perfectly fine now because of her.

When I answered the phone, Ma immediately expressed her frustration, angry, appreciation and relief about today's events. Consumed with emotion, she explained to me how only seconds felt like hours, and how years of expertise and a small prayer helped her remember that she is a great nurse (And maybe a little help from her darling daughter). In a manner of minutes, she moved swiftly and demanded from herself, and from God, that the sweet child be spared. And she was.

Despite all the tragedy and chaos in the world ...the uprising in Egypt, the politics in our education system, and this bizarre winter storm that is causing so many problems, a magnificent realization is this: a beautiful,  innocent life was saved. What a blessing. :)

This post is to honor all those in the medical profession. I could not do what you do. You deal with death, pain, and life everyday, battling doubt and Fate with such poise and relentlessness. You are strong, talented, and respectable people. So amongst a thankless society, I'd like to extend my appreciation.

Thank you for saving lives.

And thank you, Ma for being a fantastic nurse and the best mother anyone could ask for. I'm so proud of you. :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

New post on our weighloss blog:

Well On Our Way

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm just a girl in search of a word...

Now, isn't that the way? A young girl in college, trying to find herself, identifying with every movie she sees, or book she reads. Suffice it to say, I am lost. And like Liz, in Eat Pray Love, I would take a year to travel in search of my word, if I could.  Unfortunately, it's not a feasible plan right now. Instead, I'm going to take advantage of the New Year, 2011.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, like many of my peers, I was born in the year of the Rabbit - 1987. Children of the Rabbit are known to be creative, compassionate and sensitive. Also classy, sophisticated, expressive, well-mannered and stylish. Soundingly appropriate, I must say. And if you so choose to believe, 2011 is deemed the year of the Rabbit. This is going to be my year.

It is common as the New Year rolls around, for people to reflect on the past and present, see what they would like to change, and resolve that this year will be different. We make empty promises to ourselves, never achieving our goals, because once February hits, the resolution is forgotten. But when December 31st returns... I swear this time I will fulfil that promise to myself.

Sometimes these resolutions are just ridiculous: I will swear off men ...I will save the planet ...I will be engaged by December. Ultimately, these aspirations fall through as we end up dating anything with a pulse in an attempt to fill the emptiness within ourselves, we make a small donation to end world hunger, and spend Christmas single and alone, because some things cannot be forced or predicted. And some things cannot be accomplished by yourself.

Then there are those resolutions that are quite simple and attainable: I will lose 20lbs ...I will organize my house (and keep it that way) ...I will pay all my bills on time. Fairly reachable, if you set your mind to it. Not at all far fetched. But, as time progresses, we get lazy and wrapped up in the drama and chaos of our lives and convince ourselves that we'll do better next time. We end up gaining 10lbs, throwing everything in the closest and muting the phone when the debt collectors call. In the course of a year, we fail ourselves, try to forgive ourselves, but end with regret, promising that it won't happen again ...only to repeat the cycle, once more with feeling.

In an attempt to avoid this ecliptic tract, my subject of ambition for the year of the Rabbit is simply to find my word. Not necessarily the word for my lifetime, because I most definitely will continue to change, but the word that makes me who I am ...for now.  Not what I do, or what I look like, or describing my personality, just a word that is me. It is likely that this will take longer than a year, but this will be the beginning. I will keep to the path, and along the way I will find my beauty, graduate from school, and enter a brave new world. On this, my own quest for the Holy Grail, there will be many obstacles to overcome, many goals to reach, and many friends to make, all-the-while I'll be searching ...searching for me. As long as I stay on this path, no matter how long it takes, I will hold no regret. That is my resolution.

I hope you all have a Happy and Prosperous New Year! Thank you for reading.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Love is the last shocking act left on the planet"

 Initially, this post began as simple observation of human emotion and the battle of the brain and heart:

As human beings, we are naturally willing to allow people into our hearts. We give them our trust and compassion, letting them know that we will always be there for them, expecting that same generosity in return. Whether the love is automatically given, or grown over time, we cherish ever ounce of it. And although we have an unwavering need to love and be loved within our lives, why is it that the very act of love, in all forms, makes us absolutely crazy?!

After writer's block and a bit of self-reflection, I feel it is now more appropriate to compose a letter. And though I doubt the person it is intended for will ever read it, I feel it still must be expressed.

To whom it may concern:

My life feels like a roller coaster. Cliche, I know, but seemingly accurate. I don't mean the entirety of my life is equivalent to the 45 sec span of a roller coaster ride. What I mean is, each significant event seems to have the same route, especially when it comes to love...and us. The excitement and anticipation as the car is slowly creeping up the first incline reaching the top. Sometimes it drops right away, or sometimes it's a trick so I think, "This isn't so bad." But all of a sudden the track falls out from under me, "Oh shit, there's no turning back now!" I race along, going through ups and downs, even have my world turned upside down on occasion, all the while the ride is losing its velocity. There's nothing to keep it going any more and ultimately, it has to end sometime, right? No worries, I'm safe. The ride is over and that little bar kept me from falling... well it was suppose to anyway.

But I did fall. Although the evidence points to otherwise, the ups and downs weren't all your fault. Blaming you was easier than allowing myself to believe that it was all for the best, that I wasn't ready for you, as you clearly aren't ready for me...

Let me explain.

In May, when we had one of our many discussions about us, I promised you that I wouldn't wait, and I didn't. As you know, I've dated...but every situation ended with me getting hurt and ending up alone. So I thought to myself, "Why do these guys find me? Why do they think that I'm soo wonderful, but keep me at arms length?" I was convinced it wasn't me that was the problem. I've noticed a pattern though ...and I was wrong. I'm the one that's been holding back, terrified of getting hurt. So I let them in, and then search for a way out. I find a flaw or try to convince them that I'm not that wonderful; I look for some justification to prove me right: "I knew he couldn't commit... I knew he was a player... I knew he was a liar!" All because I don't really know how to completely give myself to someone. There's that little voice inside my head saying, "The only person you can trust is yourself. If you let them in, then they'll bail." I always go into it expecting them to fail, just like I expected you to fail.

Forgive me, I know I'm typing in circles, but that's kind of the point. I feel like I'm a walking contradiction. I love "love", but am terrified to pursue it. I fought for you and pushed you away at the same time, wanting to be with you so badly, but not knowing what I'd do if we were finally together.

What it comes down to is this:

I love you. And I miss you terribly. I don't sleep much and am aching inside. I imagine you know the feeling. Although I can't promise that I'll be waiting for you, just know that while you are working on you, and I'll be working on me. I'll pray for guidance for us both. And maybe, just maybe, when we've fixed our broken lives, we'll come back together and give this a real chance. So take care of you, love and don't forget our deal.

Until then,


Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Dysfunctional Morning

Dear World,

Today I've given lots of thought to the phase "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning". What a odd expression! If taken literally, then how can any one side of the bed be deemed the right or wrong side, especially when you sleep alone. It's all the same bed. There are no Bed Police. Yet somehow, waking up on this metaphorical "wrong side", puts you in the most terrible mood for no good reason, except to say that your bed is at fault. Perhaps there should be Bed Police to prevent the diffusion of melancholy mornings throughout the nation!

Because I had no Bed Police to protect and serve me this morning, I did indeed wake up on the wrong side of the bed and am in the worst of moods. I'm not entirely sure why, but it typically takes a nuclear explosion to wake me up in the mornings (or 4 alarm clocks). Unfortunately, my clocks have be progressively dying and now I'm just left to rely on my cellular device. The HTC Tilt will be the death of me! As I rolled over to see the sun shining through my bedroom window, I realized there is no way it was 6AM! I frantically reached for my phone to view the time, only to find that it had once again shut itself down. What?! I need to know what the time is!!! Hurry up you stupid "smart" phone! It finally turns on ....8:45AM! One missed call...from my boss. Oh NO!

I fell out of bed and looked in the mirror, only to see through my blurry vision what looked like a hungover 80's rock star staring back at me. WTF? How does my hair manage to stand up like that? I didn't realize I was related to Medusa. Ugh! There's no time! Being as neurotic as I am, I NEVER leave the house with at least my hair done, but I didn't have a choice today. The mop went up into an awful ponytail, I clumsily washed my face and brushed my teeth (not a good idea to try those at the same time), threw on whatever clothes I could find, grabbed my make up bag, and ran for the door, managing to crash into every piece of furniture on my way out. I made it to work an hour late, with hair gone wild, a makeup-less face, and absolutely ZERO caffeine in my system. I would say that is quite a dysfunctional way to start the day, and apparently, it's all my bed's fault!! I hope you had a better morning!

Despondently yours,


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Simple Distraction

After recent events, my mind is racing with thoughts and questions, that will likely not be answered.  SO, to distract myself from these irrational rationalizations, I've decided to make a list of words I enjoy saying. (Yes, very random, I know! lol) Feel free to add your favorites!


That's all I have for now. Enjoy!